A r t i c l e s
VÁCLAV ČERNÍK, JOZEF VICENÍK, EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: The Non-classical Type of Rationality …97
EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: Social Order and Human Nature …110
JÁN ALBRECHT: Poetry …119
JANA PLICHTOVÁ, ELENA BROZMANOVÁ: The Concept of the Nation and the State in Relation to the Social Identities of Two Slovak Generations …137
PETER PETRUF: Post-war Slovakia from the Perspective of French Diplomacy …159
ALENA POTAŠOVÁ, OĽGA ÁROCHOVÁ: Toxic Emissions and Cognitive Development of Children: Preliminary Findings …170
XÉNIA CELNAROVÁ: The Perfect Man in Islamic Tradition …184
R e p o r t s a n d B o o k R e v i e w s
Urban and Ethnological Seminar “Towns after 1989” By Peter Salner…193
Encyclopedia of Folk Culture of Slovakia By Viera Urbancová…194
Atlas of the Folk Culture of the Slovaks in Hungary By Peter Slavkovský…195
SAMUEL AUGUSTIN AD HORTIS: Gypsies in Hungary (1775) By Peter Slavkovský…196
A r t i c l e s
MARIÁN PALENČÁR: Man in-between Anxiety and Hope …3
EVA KRIŠTOFIČOVÁ: A Contribution to the Evaluation of research Findings …9
VIKTOR KRUPA: Fears of the Future Civilizations in the Third Millennium …19
JÁN ČARNOGURSKÝ: European Cultural Traditions and New Geopolitical Arrangement …25
JÁN ALBRECHT: Media of Art …31
MARIÁN GÁLIK: Venetia – Porta Orientis …53
MÁRIA KOHÚTOVÁ: Religious Situation in 17th-Century Slovakia: A Case of South-western Slovakia …66
GABRIELA KILIÁNOVÁ: Cultural and Historical Slovak-Austrian Relations on Ethnic Border …76
EVA KREKOVIČOVÁ: From the Shepherdic Image in Slovak Folklore to that of National Identification …8
A r t i c l e s
VÁCLAV ČERNÍK, JOZEF VICENÍK: Is a Return to Syncretism of the Common Sense a Solution? …97
EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: Philosophical Conceptions of Human Action …108
VLADIMÍR BLAHO: Creative Competence and Philosophy of Fractals …121
JÁN ALBRECHT: Spiritual World of Beauty …126
PETER ZAJAC: Problems of Literary Genres …145
RICHARD MARSINA: 1100th Anniversary of the Death of Prince or King Svätopluk …161
DAGMAR ČIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ: Hungarian Minority in Slovakia between 1944 and 1948 and Responses from Abroad …170
PETER SALNER: Tolerance and Intolerance (Model Bratislava) …181
A r t i c l e s
ANTONY FLEW: Minimum Government for Maximum Liberty …3
MARIÁN GÁLIK: The End of an Exotic Era? Reflections of a Comparatist …17
VLADIMÍR BAKOŠ: Masaryk and the Slovak Question A Contribution to the History of Ideas and Concepts …30
MARIÁN HRABOVSKÝ: Open Psychodiagnostic System …46
VIKTOR KRUPA: Poetic Language and Ordinary Language …55
ALEXANDER AVENARIUS: Maria´s keys On the patterns of Thought in the Work of Sergei Yesenin …64
PAVOL PETRUF: Relations between Slovakia and France 1939-1944 …74
R e p o r t s a n d B o o k R e v i e w s
XIth International Congress of Slavists By Ivor Ripka…89
Ethnologie – die Wissenschaft vom kulturellen Fremden Eine Einfuhrung By Viktor Krupa…93
Zmeny v hodnotových systémoch v kontexte každodennej kultúry Výsledky vyskumu v roku 1992 By Peter Salner…94
G Kiliánová, E Krekovičová (Eds): Folklore, Folklorism and National Identification, The Slovak Cultural Context By Ivona Benčíková…95
A r t i c l e s
MARTA B. ZÁGORŠEKOVÁ: The Values in Pressure of Time …97
EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: Creative Rationality or Rational Creativity? …101
FERENC ERÖS: Changing Political Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and Corresponding Changes in Identity …112
MARIÁN GÁLIK: Viae Sericae or Silk Roads as the Intermediaries between Asia and Europe …118
DUŠAN ŠKVARNA: Self-reflections of Two Neighbours: Magyars and Slovaks …131
LADISLAV DEÁK: Slovaks in Hungarian Statistics before and after 1918 …142
SLAVO ONDREJOVIČ: Contact languages and Minorities in the Slovak Republic …155
EVA KREKOVIČOVÁ: A Picture of a Gypsy in Folk Songs …170
B o o k R e v i e w s
Deane, Paul D: Grammar in Mind and Brain By Viktor Krupa…191
Mental Representations The Interface between Language and Reality By Viktor Krupa…192
A r t i c l e s
JOZEF KELEMEN: Expert Systems as a Necessity …3
MIROSLAV MARCELLI: Necessity as a Human Affair …11
IVAN BURAJ: Power and Man An Attempt at a Historical-philosophical Analysis …19
MARINA ČARNOGURSKÁ: Fundamental Ancient Symbols – Evidence of Original Dialectic Orientation of Mankind …30
VIERA ROSOVÁ, GABRIEL BIANCHI: Environmental Crisis = Crisis in Social Behaviour?: Prosociality, Cooperation, Competition, or… …40
GÁBOR GYÁNI: Social History of Urban Space …46
GABRIEL HOCMAN: Research in Post-communist Europe …58
MARIÁN GÁLIK: Some Remarks on Gynocriticism: Observations of a Member of “Masculini Generis” …62
PAVOL KOPRDA: On the Concept “Community of Cultures of central Eastern Europe” …72
DAGMAR ČIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ: The Restoration of the Slovak-Hungarian Borders: Political Considerations and Internaitonal Documents (1943-1947) …82
VIKTOR KRUPA: Remarks on the Specificity of Japanese Culture …91
A r t i c l e s
BOHUMIL SCHAFFER: Introduction to the Ontology of Creation and Right …97
FERENC ERÖS: Authoritarianism, Democracy and the Concept of Prejudice …113
VIKTOR KRUPA: Creativity in Communication as a Compromise …118
EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: Towards Understanding Creativity …124
VÁCLAV BLAŽEK: Who Are You, Homo Sapiens? …138
MARIÁN GÁLIK: Chinese Literature in European Context: Musings over its Importance in Comparative Literature …150
SLAVO ONDREJOVIČ: Wolfgang von Kempelen and His Speaking Machine …161
DAGMAR ČIERNA-LANTAYOVÁ: Political and Human Aspects of the Repatriation of Slovaks from Hungary after 1945 …173
PAVOL PETRUF: The Extradition of Dr J Tiso and Other Prominent Men of the Slovak State to the Czecho-Slovak Government …183
A r t i c l e s
JARMILA CHOVANCOVÁ: Philosophy of Democracy …3
IBOLYA VARI-SZILAGYI: Public and Private Sphere of Morality in Democratic and Totalitarian Countries …9
JAN K COETZEE: Global Democratization and the Demand for a Democratization of Knowledge: The case of Sociology …18
VLADIMÍR BAKOŠ: Some Remarks on Nationalism as Ideology …41
JOZEF KELEMEN: Expert Systems as a Colleague -Some new problems for Psychology …48
EMIL VIŠŇOVSKÝ: Questioning the Nature of Human Action …58
VIKTOR KRUPA: Interpretation of Experience across Cultural Frontiers …65
MATÚŠ KUČERA: Written Culture in Great Moravia and Its Impact on the Slav Nations …71
EVA KOWALSKA: Pro Bono Publico: Enlightenment, religion, Education and the State in Northern Hungary …77
R e p o r t s a n d B o o k R e v i e w s
Encyclopaedia of Folk Culture in Slovakia By Peter Slavkovský…89
Ján Števček: Dejiny slovenského románuBy Vladimír Petrík…90
George Lakoff, Mark Turner: More than Cool Reason A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor By Viktor Krupa…93
Nancy C Dorian (Ed): Investigating Obsolescence Studies in Language Contraction and Death By Viktor Krupa…94
A r t i c l e s
JÚLIUS KREMPASKÝ: Social Processes in Light of the natural Sciences …97
JÁN BAKOŠ: Monuments and Ideologies …106
JANA PLICHTOVÁ: Personal Identity and Ethnocentrism …120
JÁN KOMOROVSKÝ: Eschatology as a Religious-Moral Sanction …131
MARINA ČARNOGURSKÁ: Classical Chinese Confucian Texts from the Period of Warrior States and their Literary Translation …145
ZDENĚK MÜLLER: Islam and Humanism …155
TEODOR MÜNZ: Social Thought in Religious Philosophy of Slovakia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century …160
DAVID P DANIEL: The Reformation and Eastern Slovakia …172
PETER SALNER: Slovak Towns in the Twentieth Century …187
B o o k R e v i e w s
Imrich Ruisel, Zdena Ruiselová: Vybrané problémy psychológie poznávania By Alena Potašová…195
John R Taylor: Linguistic Categorization By Viktor Krupa…196
Eva Feder Kittay: Metaphor Its Cognitive Force and Linguistic Structure By Viktor Krupa…197
A r t i c l e s
JOZEF PIAČEK: Syncreticism as the Philosophy of the Contemporary Being …4
JURAJ ZELMAN: Totalitarianism as a Personal Dimension …16
DUŠAN KOVÁČ: World Revolution – Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin …22
VIKTOR KRUPA: Creativity and Language …30
JÁN HORECKÝ: Language Consciousness and its Types …37
MARIÁN GÁLIK: Intercultural Process in East-West Interplay: A Theoretical Sketch and A Historical Overview …49
ALEXANDER AVENARIUS: Specific Features of Early Byzantine Humanism …59
DUŠAN SLOBODNÍK: Translations from Minor Languages: A Specific Problem? …72
NAGAYO SUSUMU: Japanese Motifs in the Poem Slávy dcera by Ján Kollár …79
B o o k R e v i e w s
Viktor Krupa: Metafora na rozhraní vedeckých disciplín By Ján Horecký…91
Etnografický atlas Slovenska By Peter Salner…93
Bývalé nemecké vidiecke sídla na Slovensku, ich história a kultúra By Peter Salner…95